highlighting messages to/cc me on mailing list?

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Fri May 17 23:07:00 UTC 2024

On 13May2024 10:49, Joe Damato via Mutt-users <mutt-users at mutt.org> wrote:
>And now when I switch to the netdev directory within mutt (by pressing 
>I can easily see any messages that mention my email address in any thread
>on the list.

Late to the thread, and purely for interest: this is what I use for the 

color index white default  "((~P|(%f polyname ~f 'cameron simpson'))) | (~v ~((~P|(%f polyname ~f 'cameron simpson'))))"

This highlights messages (or collapsed threads) where I've participated.  
So not things addressed to me, but things from me. This keeps mailing 
list discussions in which I've said something highlighted.

The core thing here is the ~P (messages from me); the polyname thing is 
for Discourse, which I use in mailing list mode, and some other lists.

The polyname address group is for lists where the from address is always 
the list, not the author, and "%f polyname ~f 'cameron simpson'" matches 
those addresses where the comment part of the address contains my name, 
which is what Discourse and a few other things do.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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