INBOX message count in sidebar

Mikhail Nidze mikzyth at
Mon Jul 24 17:22:29 UTC 2023

Hi all.

My mutt is configured to fetch mail from single IMAP account with
several folders set with *mailboxes ...*. All folders are shown
in sidebar:
    sidebar_format = '%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S'

The problem is INBOX folder doesn't show message count in sidebar "%S"
column after program start, i.e. when I start mutt INBOX always shows
"INBOX 0" (of course, INBOX is not empty and all messages are shown
in index/main window). Other folders show correct number of messages
in sidebar.

If I re-enter INBOX (press y, then select INBOX) the message count
for INBOX appears correctly.

What can be a problem here? Can this be solved?

I use Mutt 2.2.10.

My mailboxes are set like this:
  mailboxes = -label "INBOX"	"imaps://"
  mailboxes = -label "SENT"	"imaps:// Messages"
  mailboxes = -label "DRAFTS"	"imaps://"
  mailboxes = -label "JUNK"	"imaps://"
  mailboxes = -label "ARCHIVE"	"imaps://"
  mailboxes = -label "TRASH"	"imaps:// Messages"

Variables are:
  set folder = "imaps://"
  set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
  set postponed = "+Drafts"
  set record = "+Sent Messages"
  set trash = "+Deleted Messages"

Best regards,

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