occasional lockup when built with slang

Mark E. Mallett mem at schmem.com
Mon May 1 21:47:11 UTC 2023

On Mon, May 01, 2023 at 02:06:50PM -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Mon, May 01, 2023 at 12:30:05PM -0400, Mark E. Mallett wrote:
> > I'm seeing an issue with mutt built with slang. It happens very rarely
> > but I can get it to happen if I try. This could easily be something with
> > my environment, as I don't think it's a typical one. But I'm curious if
> > anybody else can make it happen and if so, can understand it ;)
> Is this a new problem?  I changed some resize handling in version 2.2.8. I'm
> not sure how that would affect getch() locking up, but perhaps it tickled a
> bug in the slang code somehow.
> Can you try this against version 2.2.7?

When I first saw it, I tried it with a version of 2.2.1 that I had, and
I could reproduce it with that as well. I've been poking at it for a
while, in between various distractions. I just tried it again just to
make sure I wasn't imagining it and yeah, still happens.  I'm pretty
sure I tried some older versions too but I didn't take notes.


PS: it can take a while to get it to trigger.

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