Deleting large number of emails from busy mailbox

Vegard Svanberg vegard at
Tue Mar 14 07:43:01 UTC 2023

* Dan Ritter <dsr at> [2023-03-14 00:29]:

> You could:
> 	* operate on local storage with mutt -f Maildir/

That's actually slower than letting Dovecot handling it...

> or
> 	* build lists with doveadm-search and delete with
> doveadm-expunge

That's a good idea, I'll look into that. Thanks.

> Even on good SSDs, a half-million messages is too many to be
> sensibly dealt with by humans. Move things into a folder system
> automatically, discard or archive messages when you are done
> with them.

Nah, works brilliantly for me and has for many, many years. Even on
spinning rust! :)

Vegard Svanberg <vegard at> [*Takapa at IRC (EFnet)]

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