Macro variable with current folder name?

José María Mateos chema at
Sat Mar 11 14:19:22 UTC 2023

Hi everybody,

I have this macro:

macro index,pager G "!offlineimap -o -l /tmp/offlineimap.log\n" "Retrieve new IMAP messages"

It works well, but I typically use only for =INBOX, so checking all the 
folders (the default behaviour) is a waste. I've been trying to find if 
there's any way to pass only the current folder name in the macro. 
Something like

macro index,pager G "!offlineimap -o -l /tmp/offlineimap.log -f $FOLDER_NAME\n"

I haven't been able to find anything like that. I've found some old 
solutions online[1] but they look slightly cumbersome; I'd like to set 
up just one macro, not several (I could have one for the INBOX and 
another one for all folders, though, but still, it's two macros). Also, 
they're old responses, and mutt has changed since then.



José María (Chema) Mateos ||

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