Select message by attachment MIME type

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at
Tue Nov 29 21:15:46 UTC 2022

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 08:31:37PM +0100, Max Görner wrote:
>for a macro I would like to match a message based on its attachments. Since I
>have to use Outlook Web App, I often get calender events as e-mail. Messages
>telling me that someone accepted my invitation are empty and contain an
>attachment without a name but with file type text/calendar.
>Is there a way to select messages containing an attachment of type
>text/calender (or any other, for that matter)?

Try the ~M pattern, e.g. ~M text/calendar, and see if that works.

Note that this is a *slow* pattern.  It opens up and reads each message 
in the mailbox.  So I don't recommend using this for index coloring or 
things like that.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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