why does mutt take so long to load my python folder?

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sat Nov 19 03:15:05 UTC 2022

On 18Nov2022 18:33, Kevin J. McCarthy <kevin at 8t8.us> wrote:
>On Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 08:32:39AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>It sure looks like it is being applied to the entire folder 
>>contents, instead of only the lines being displayed. That is a 
>>massive performance hit for a big folder. Is that the case?
>The headers are colored as they are displayed, but also when any flags 
>are updated.

If it's only colouring the visible index listing, that's fine with me.

>Do you have a folder-hook doing anything related to that, or message 
>scoring going on related to the $score_threshold_* settings?

I don't use scoring.

I've got this:

     folder-hook . 'push "<tag-pattern>~P~N<enter><tag-prefix-cond><clear-flag>N<untag-pattern>~T<enter><end-cond>"'

which takes any new messages from me and cleares the new flag, as I 
think I should already know their content :-)

This push was important because I used to uncollapse any thread 
containing new messages. I'm not doing that now though, but I colour new 
messages and threads-with-new anyway, so it still has value.

BTW, is there a way to tell if the current message is a collapsed thread 
in the index or just a single message? There are times when that would 
be useful.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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