why does mutt take so long to load my python folder?

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sat Nov 19 02:16:47 UTC 2022

On 19Nov2022 08:32, Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au> wrote:
>The issue is my index colouring, specificly this line:
>    color index white default  "((~P|%f polyname ~h '^from:.*cameron simpson')) | (~v ~((~P|%f polyname ~h '^from:.*cameron simpson')))"
>This colours messages as white if they're from me or from a polyname 
>and the "from:" header contains my name (mailing lists where the from 
>address part is the list, not the author, but the descriptive name 
>contains the author - increasingly common). Same colour for a collapsed 

I'm wondering if it is the `~h` pattern. That would search every header, 
which I presume exceeds the cache?

Is there an efficient way to search the _text_ of the `From:` header?  
Not match the from address part, but the comment string (which is where 
the "cameron simpson" resides)?

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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