why does mutt take so long to load my python folder?

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at 8t8.us
Fri Nov 18 17:38:49 UTC 2022

On Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 09:06:30PM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>Starting with an empty config except for a header cache dir setting, I 
>notices a distinct slowdown of the scan at about 80%. Odd. So I moved 
>the cache sideways and let it rebuild:
>    43869952 18 Nov 20:43 02a1cc9292e0222624346e5ff8742f34
>    73852160 18 Nov 20:09 02a1cc9292e0222624346e5ff8742f34-ASIDE
>This brought a nice linear scan.

Yeah, the header caches can get inefficient after a while.  I'm glad 
that helped.

>So I started adding back in my config files (I source a few). Here's 
>the glaring one:
>    source ~/rc/mutt/aliases-auto
>8407 aliases, nearly 2MB in size :-)
>Really, it is a bit excessive. Particularly since I think I don't ever 
>use aliases anyway.

Yes, Mutt's internal structures used for aliases are not designed for 
that many.  It could lead to quite a slowdown in some circumstances.  Do 
you have $reverse_alias set in your config?

Kevin J. McCarthy
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