Key binding problem

Jeffery Small jeff at
Sun Nov 6 02:25:46 UTC 2022

Ever since upgrading from Xubuntu 20.04 to Xubuntu 22.04.1, I've been
having a problem with certain key bindings for some keypad keys.  These are
properly defined in my .muttrc file and used to work under the previous
version of the OS, but now report "Key is not bound," even though when I
type "?", the bindings are all properly listed.

I was running mutt 2.1.4 which was the latest version in the repository.
I downloaded the just released 2.2.8, compiled and installed it, but it
made no difference.

I'm using a Sun Type-6 keyboard with the full keypad on the right.  The
majority of the keys work, while others do not.  For example, in .muttrc I
have the following:

bind  generic   <esc>[25~       previous-entry      # Keypad 0 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[26~       previous-entry      # Keypad 1 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[28~       last-entry          # Keypad 2 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[31~       next-entry          # Keypad 3 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[33~       previous-entry      # Keypad 4 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[42~       select-entry        # Keypad 5 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[43~       next-entry          # Keypad 6 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[44~       previous-page       # Keypad 7 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[45~       first-entry         # Keypad 8 Key
bind  generic   <esc>[46~       next-page           # Keypad 9 Key
bind  generic   <esc>OI         first-entry         # Keypad Num_Lock Key
bind  generic   <esc>Oo         first-entry         # Keypad / Key
bind  generic   <esc>Oj         last-entry          # Keypad * Key
bind  generic   <esc>Om         select-entry        # Keypad - Key
bind  generic   <esc>Ok         next-entry          # Keypad + Key
bind  generic   <esc>[32~       next-entry          # Keypad . Key
bind  generic   <esc>OM         next-entry          # Keypad Enter Key

Keys 0-9, period and Num_Lock work, but Keys /*-+ and Enter do not, despite
having the accurate escape sequences here and showing up properly defined
on the help page.  Notice that the Num_Lock key has <esc> followed by two
letters and that works, but the others with the same format fail.

I realized that my keys emit different codes if, for example, Alt is
pressed, so I added the following entries as a test.

bind  generic   <esc>O3o        first-entry         # Keypad / Key
bind  generic   <esc>O3j        last-entry          # Keypad * Key
bind  generic   <esc>O3m        select-entry        # Keypad - Key
bind  generic   <esc>O3k        next-entry          # Keypad + Key
bind  generic   <esc>O3M        next-entry          # Keypad Enter Key

Now, using Alt, the /*+ and Enter Keys work but the minus (-) key still

I tried using the what_key function, but it's of little use as it only
reports the last character of the escape sequences.

I've had a long running discussion over on comp.mail.mutt with no results
so far, so I wanted to ask here and see if anyone has a clue as to what
might be wrong.

And BTW, I use custom mappings of all the keypad keys when editing using
vim, and another set of mappings for the less pager and everything works
perfectly in these cases, so the problem seems to be specific to mutt.

Thanks for any insights.

Jeffery Small

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