Visualising contents of a Maildir

martin f krafft madduck at
Wed Aug 17 19:22:31 UTC 2022


This isn't really a Mutt question, but you're the kind of people 
that most likely would have good answers on the following:

For reasons you don't want to know, I have to visualise a Maildir 
with a couple of thousand messages, i.e. essentially provide a 
mutt-style index with correspondents, dates, subjects, and 
threading, ideally in form of an HTML table.

Apart from the threading, Python's email module can do most of the 
work, and combined with e.g. Jinja templating, I should be able to 
get results quickly, but since I don't like reinventing wheels, I 
was wondering if maybe you had a better idea?

Is there a way to "screenshot" the Mutt index beyond the scroll 

Or can you think of command-line tools that visualise threads? 
Notmuch, which I use, can very quickly list all the threads, 
including the count of messages, but I actually need to list to be 
*really big* and not condensed, for reasons you don't want to know. 

I can make notmuch output json with threading, and then process that 
with Python to create a list, but maybe there's a better tool?

Thanks for your time,

@martinkrafft |
"if one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again,
  there is no use in reading it at all."
                                                       -- oscar wilde
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