Using "viu" to display attached images

Andy Spiegl mutt.andy at
Tue Jun 28 10:01:34 UTC 2022

Cameron wrote:

thanks for the detailled explanation.  Nice use of cmd variables!

> >I tried unsuccessfully:
> > macro index r "\
> > <enter-command>unset implicit_autoview<enter>\
> > <reply>\
> > <enter-command>set implicit_autoview<enter>"
> Does that not work? I would expect it to.

I think the problem why it doesn't work here is that "reply" is interactive.
Whatever follows <reply> in the macro is appended to the "To: " prompt.

Is there a way to "wait" until the <reply> operation is done?


 It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English
 (up to fifty words used in correct context)
 no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.
   (Carl Sagan)

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