Take over existing attachments as "Attach: " pseudo-headers

Anton Sharonov anton.sharonov at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 00:54:14 UTC 2022

Hi all,

Using long time $edit_headers option, just discovered lovely
"Attach: " pseudo header, which makes it easy to specify new
attachments during message body edit.

However it works just one-way - once editor is finished, those
pseudo-headers are processed somehow and added to "official"
attachment list maintained inside compose menu. Subsequent call
of editor from compose menu is made without any "Attach: "
pseudo-headers (even though compose menu keeps track of
attachments already specified between editor calls).

Just curious: is there a way to somehow feed editor with
attachments, known on the level of compose menu so far, which
would map to set of such "Attach: " pseudo headers during message
edit? (did not found any appropriate setting in mutt
documentation so far).


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