Mailcap selectively applying settings

Christopher Conforti christopher at
Fri May 13 20:00:05 UTC 2022

On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 08:05:52PM +0000, Sam Kuper wrote:
> On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 03:38:23PM -0400, Christopher Conforti wrote:
> > text/html	lynx -dump %s | more
> > 
> > is seemingly ignored, even when there are no other options given for
> > handling HTML.
> I may be wrong, but shouldn't there be a semicolon in that entry?  I.e.
>     text/html;	lynx -dump %s | more
> If that doesn't help, please unpack what you mean by "seemingly
> ignored".  E.g. give steps to reproduce the problem.  That might help
> someone on this list get a better handle on troubleshooting with you.
> Sam
> -- 
> A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: When is top-posting a bad thing?
> ()  ASCII ribbon campaign. Please avoid HTML emails & proprietary
> /\  file formats. (Why? See e.g. ). Thank you.

Apologies, there was a semicolon in the actualy entry. By seemingly ignored, I
mean that it wasn't doing what the line seemed to be saying it should do, even
though the documentation indicated (to me at least) that what I was doing should
work. It turns out I needed to do something quite a bit different that would
have taken me quite some time to figure out, but I appreciate that you took your
time to respond. :-) Thank you.

What I ended having to do was found in Chris Green's response, i.e.:

text/html;	lynx -dump %s; copiousoutput; nametemplate=%s.html

Christopher Conforti <christopher at>
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