New to Mutt, unable to send messages in *any* attempted way

xtec at xtec at
Thu May 5 16:24:36 UTC 2022


I already tried every way I could imagine to debug my problem, and 
simply no dice; thus trying to post everything here as last resort.

Using Mutt 1.10.1 (cannot update for now; please don't ask why)

Using Postfix /usr/sbin/sendmail ($sendmail variable is empty)

Remote mail server just accepts "login" mode

IMAP does work correctly

*Beforehand*, if you'll answer just with questions without advise, or 
mock, just ban me better.

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@$my_url; set 
smtp_pass=p4ss; set ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" 
receiver at domain.tld

Could not find the host ""
Could not send the message.

Tried with and without simple/double quotes for $smtp_url variable, as 
well as using "%40" instead of '@'

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@smtp.domain.tld; set 
smtp_pass=p4ss; set ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" 
receiver at domain.tld

Could not connect to smtp.domain.tld (No route to host).
Could not send the message.

Have to explicitly specify the port; though it varies from ISP to ISP!? 
In some I need, in some other I don't!

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@smtp.domain.tld:587; set 
smtp_pass=p4ss; set ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" 
receiver at domain.tld

No authenticators available
Could not send the message.

I have to explicitly specify $smtp_authenticators variable... Shouldn't 
Mutt check all possible ones one by one if empty variable, according to 

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -n -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@smtp.domain.tld:587; set 
smtp_pass=p4ss; set ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" 
receiver at domain.tld; echo $?


Just what??

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_authenticators=login:gssapi; set 
smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@smtp.domain.tld:587; set smtp_pass=p4ss; set 
ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" receiver at domain.tld

login authentication failed, trying next method
No authenticators available
Could not send the message.

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_authenticators=gssapi; set 
smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@smtp.domain.tld:587; set smtp_pass=p4ss; set 
ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" receiver at domain.tld

No authenticators available
Could not send the message.

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_authenticators=whatNonsense; set 
smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@smtp.domain.tld:587; set smtp_pass=p4ss; set 
ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" receiver at domain.tld

No authenticators available
Could not send the message.

printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set 
my_user=user at domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; 
set use_from=yes; set smtp_authenticators=gssapi:login; set 
smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@smtp.domain.tld:587; set smtp_pass=p4ss; set 
ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" receiver at domain.tld

SASL authentication failed
Could not send the message.

And finally:

What's the difference between Mutt and Neomutt? Which one preferable?

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