[OT] fetchmail replacement supporting Oauth

José María Mateos chema at rinzewind.org
Wed May 4 07:09:38 UTC 2022

On Tue, May 3, 2022, at 14:35, Derek Martin wrote:
> You're on vacation.  You probably didn't bring a laptop, because...
> you're on vacation.  You go out and leave your phone somewhere, never
> to be seen again.  Now what?

This is getting a bit off topic, but I just want to add: in the situation you describe, you need to get a new device somehow. With the set up I described in my previous message, when I have a new device I can get access to my credentials, as long as I have SCP access to the server that stores the backup copies.

That's how I see it, unless I'm missing something.


José María (Chema) Mateos || https://rinzewind.org

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