Unexplained mutt error

Kurt Hackenberg kh at panix.com
Fri Feb 25 18:29:14 UTC 2022

On 2022/02/25 10:53, Ranjan Maitra wrote:

> Regardless, actually I think that all I would be happy with would be a query or something that alerts me to the fact that I am potentially writing to an individual address (or a list) (for when I am  on a list, but not in general, because then I start to blindly accept because most email is not to a list).

It's possible to configure Mutt so that its index tells you that a 
message came from a list. The default index format includes %L, so all 
you'd have to do is use "subscribe" to tell Mutt what lists you're 
subscribed to. Or there's $auto_subscribe, to do that automatically for 
lists that announce themselves.

With the index telling you the message came from a list, then you would 
know to reply with 'L'.

You could try this to see if you like it by just adding this to your 
set auto_subscribe=yes

This section of the manual describes what Mutt can do with mailing lists:

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