Suppress error messages

Akshay Hegde list at
Mon Feb 21 00:07:10 UTC 2022


I've been trying to find a way to suppress error messages in a macro or
a key binding that I create. I couldn't find a builtin way to do so by
reading through the docs and searching online.

To provide a basic example, I have a macro to open the error history,
scrolling to the bottom by default—so that I see the latest messages:

  macro index - '<error-history><bottom>' 'display error-history'

However, when the entries in the error history don't fill the screen all
the way, I get an error message saying "Bottom of message is shown."

Obviously this isn't a terribly huge deal and I can simply ignore the
error message, but it's still an unnecessary annoyance to see errors
that are—at least to me—inconsequential. Essentially, what I'm looking
for is the mutt equivalent of vim's ":silent!" command which would
perhaps work in the following fashion:

  macro index - '<error-history><quiet><bottom><end-quiet>'

Any tips or tricks on how to suppress these error messages would be
greatly appreciated!
	Akshay Hegde

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