[Mutt] pretty-print mutt emails

Globe Trotter itsme_410 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 22 14:32:09 UTC 2021


> On Monday, November 22, 2021, 08:19:52 AM CST, Mihai Lazarescu <mtlagm at gmail.com> wrote: 

> I use without problems muttprint 0.73 in Fedora from within a wrapper script, which removes spamassassin markings, converts to PDF using ps2pdf, and finally opens it with xdg-open for checking and printing using the regular dialog.

> Mihai

This works when used with this script that I found on stackoverlow (I think). I have not tried the other scripts but presumably they work too. 


read tmpdir < <(mktemp -d /tmp/print_preview-$USER-XXXXXXXX)
cd $tmpdir || exit 1

trap "cd && rm -fR $tmpdir;exit" 0 1 2 3 6 9 15

cat >file.eml
muttprint -P A4 -p TO_FILE:file.ps <file.eml

read numPages < <(sed '/^%%Pages/{s/%%Pages: //;q;};d' file.ps)
(( numPages > 1 )) &&
    muttprint -2 -P A4 -p TO_FILE:file.ps <file.eml

zathura file.ps

I wonder if I can get a dialog that gives me a choice of 1 or 2 pages printing. Perhaps I have two scripts for that?

I like it, it is pretty nice.

Thanks again!

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