I can't seem to make a message-hook work, what am I doing wrong?

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at 8t8.us
Sat Oct 30 17:06:41 UTC 2021

On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 10:56:12AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
>So, I have the following lines in my muttrc file:-
>    auto_view text/html
>    alternative_order text/html text/plain text
>    message-hook '~f .*ilovefreegle.org.*' 'alternative_order text/plain text/html'

Each invocation of alternative_order appends to the list - it doesn't 
erase and reset the values.  You'll want to use 'unalternative_order *' 
to clear out the list.

Also, don't forget the message-hook you have above will affect that 
message and all subsequent messages, unless you have a default 
message-hook to reset values back.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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