I can't seem to make a message-hook work, what am I doing wrong?

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Sat Oct 30 09:56:12 UTC 2021

I am trying to match messages in a mailing list with a message-hook so
that I can change the alternative_order setting to prioritise plain
text for this one mailing list.

So, I have the following lines in my muttrc file:-

    auto_view text/html
    alternative_order text/html text/plain text
    message-hook '~f .*ilovefreegle.org.*' 'alternative_order text/plain text/html'

But it's not working, messages from addresses with ilovefreegle.org in
the From: are still getting fed through my html viewer.

Here's the header from a message which *isn't* getting matched:-

    Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 19:18:19 +0100
    From: Chris <replyto-85017125-95728 at users.ilovefreegle.org>
    To: Chris <cl at isbd.net>
    Subject: OFFER: HP Envy 4527 All-in-one printer (IP12) ~-~~~-~-~~~~~----

Have I got the matching expression wrong?  ... or have I misunderstood
how message-hook works, I'm expecting to be able to look at saved
messages and have them matched by message-hook before viewing them.

... oh, yes, I have checked that there is a text/plain part in these
messages! :-)

Chris Green

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