OT: "domain-level" email hosting services?

Bastian bastian-muttuser at t6l.de
Sat Oct 23 14:21:43 UTC 2021

On 23Oct21 09:55-0400, Ofer Inbar wrote:
> I run postfix on a cheap cloud-hosted linux instance.  That does mean
> I sometimes have to deal with deliverability issues which can be annoying.
> However, I've searched for a more fully managed email hosting service
> that would let me see my logs, including logs of attempts to connect
> to deliver to my domain(s), and I don't think such a thing exists.
> I value the ability to tail -f my mail server logs enough to make it
> worth it to me to run my own server.

Same/similar here. The biggest issue for me was when the big players 
demanded SPF and DKIM. That was around 6-8 yrs ago if I'm not mistaken. 
There are tools on the net which can verify your setup, e.g. mailtester 
[0]. That was very helpful at that time. Other than that, I never had 
troubles [1]. Outgoing mails mostly end up in graylisting, but that's 
acceptable. The stack I use is exim, spamassassin, dovecot on debian 
stable since ~2006.
In addition to the reasons above, I also learned a lot about how email 
works and I was able to tweak exim config in a way which is only 
possible on a self hosted system.

  0: https://www.mail-tester.com
  1: My VM got hacked just after I started it due to a vulnerability in 
     exim. Lesson learned: Read debian-security mailing list and keep 
     system updated! But I was still young and re-installed everything.


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