display_filter and multipart mails

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at 8t8.us
Tue Oct 19 16:33:41 UTC 2021

On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 10:49:38PM +0000, mike9 at posteo.nl wrote:
>It seems display_filter always receives the first part of an email.

$display_filter is run with the text about to be sent to the pager for 
viewing.  It can't be used to select which alternative is rendered.

As Will Yardley mentioned, alternative_order can be used for that.

You could also try combining that with a message-hook, so text/html is 
preferred only for that particular contact:

   message-hook ~A 'unalternative_order *; alternative_order text/plain text/html'
   message-hook '~f person at example\.com' 'unalternative_order *; alternative_order text/html text/plain'

Kevin J. McCarthy
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