Moving from mutt 1.5 to 1.13.2

Andrew D. Arenson arenson at
Thu Jun 3 15:42:25 UTC 2021


	Setting both of the following solves the first problem: "Encrypted connection unavailable"

set ssl_starttls=no
set ssl_force_tls=no

        I'm guessing this is related to, but I don't know exactly how. Perhaps my use case of connecting to davmail is unusual, or maybe I'm doing something insecure with davmail that I'm unaware of. Thoughts about that are appreciated.

	I'll be looking more into my second error, now that it seems it is unrelated to the first.



On Thu, Jun 03, 2021 at 11:29:08AM -0400, Andrew D. Arenson wrote:

> 	On a RHEL6 box, using mutt 1.5, I got mutt to work w/ davmail, enabling me to get email from my work Office365 account. 
> 	I'm transitioning to Ubuntu 20.04, which provides mutt 1.13.2 and have run into a problem that I'd love to get advice on. When I start mutt I get an error: "Encrypted connection unavailable". When I attempt to send an email I get "Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.)."
> 	I'm not sure where to start with either of these errors or whether or not they are related to each other.
> 	My .muttrc includes:
> set spoolfile="{aarenson\ at localhost:1143}INBOX"
> set imap_pass="REDACTED"
> set imap_keepalive = 10
> set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
> source ~/.mutt/smime.rc
> set smime_sign_as=ab2ec3ec.0
> 	Looking at the davmail log, on the working, RHEL workstation I see:
> ... davmail  - Connection from / on port 1143
> ... davmail.connection  - CONNECT -
> ...  - Test configuration status: 401
> ... davmail  - > * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 AUTH=LOGIN MOVE SPECIAL-USE] IMAP4rev1 DavMail 5.5.1-3299 server ready
> ... davmail  - < a0000 AUTHENTICATE LOGIN
> etc.
> 	On the not working, Ubuntu workstation the first four lines are the same, but then:
> ... davmail - < a0000 STARTTLS
> ... davmail - > a0000 BAD command and authentication required
>     	I tried forcing STARTTLS to 'no' with:
> set ssl_starttls=no
> 	... but that had no effect.
> 	Any ideas on where to look next?
> -- 
> Andrew D. Arenson (he/him)                              H 317.964.0493
> arenson (at)                                C 317.679.4669

Andrew D. Arenson (he/him)                              H 317.964.0493
arenson (at)                                C 317.679.4669

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