mailcap sanitization sanitizing too much...

Philippe Meunier meunier at
Tue May 25 03:32:32 UTC 2021


When viewing an email attachment with mailcap, mutt sanitizes %s to contain
only ASCII alphanumeric characters, plus a few other safe characters.
Unfortunately this means that when trying to view an attachment with, say,
a Chinese or a Korean name, I end up with a file name that looks like
________.jpg in my image viewer, which is not helpful.  So I often end up
having to save the attachment first, which preserves the original name,
followed by manually viewing the file, which kind of defeats the whole
purpose of using mailcap in the first place.

So would it be possible to change the sanitization so that it restricts
file names to Unicode alphanumeric characters (plus a few other safe
characters) rather than just ASCII alphanumeric characters?

(I've tried mailcap_sanitize already, but it doesn't seem to do anything
for my problem, and I don't think turning sanitization off entirely is a
good idea anyway.)



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