email thread lines

Remco Rijnders remco at
Sat Feb 27 21:18:50 UTC 2021

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 04:10:06PM -0500, Rob wrote in 
<20210227211006.4tswjrfknweu7yjx at ARP-mini>:
>Hello, I recently set up neomutt with Gmail.  My .muttrc is quite simple (below).  I cannot see email threads though.  How does one turn on this feature?  Thankyou!  Rob

Hi Rob,

You could try pressing 'o' in the index view to sort by thread. If this fixes it
for you, you can also set it in your .muttrc as per .

Please note that while mutt and neomutt have a lot in common, they are seperate
projects and I have no experience with the latter. Your question might be better
asked in one of the neomutt support forums.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,


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