Deleting old maildir messages, is what I'm doing OK?

Angel M Alganza ama at
Mon Feb 15 19:51:35 UTC 2021

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 07:40:58PM +0000, Chris Green wrote:

>Where does mutt keep these header caches then?

I have 'set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/'.

>I don't have set header_cache set for the good reason that mutt doesn't 
>download mail from anywhere, it's all here on my desktop.

The cache is for the headers, so that Mutt loads even local maildirs 
much faster.  So, I think even it might not be an issue, everybody might 
benefit from the cache.  Perhaps if you have small maildirs and/or a 
very powerful computer it doesn't make much a difference?


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