My experiences with Mutt to date: Suggestions for overcoming some issues

Cameron Simpson cs at
Mon Jan 25 10:07:29 UTC 2021

On 24Jan2021 22:04, boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> wrote:
>5)  I am able to view HTML emails via w3c, but I get weekly (and some
>daily) emails from news aggregation services like Pycoders Weekly,
>TLDR, etc., that have embedded links that never show up in the w3c

I'm using "lynx -stdin -dump"; you could see if that is better rendered.  
It tends to fill things in as a footnote style, with the link text 
followed by, say, "[1]" and at the bottom a:

    [1] https://url/here

>If I find I want to view an interesting article I have to
>fire up the Gmail interface and click on it there.  I have not been
>able to resolve this one and it is quite annoying to seemingly have to
>leave Mutt to access these articles in my browser.

My terminal emulator (iTerm on a Mac) highlights URLs and lets me click 
on them; that pops up the URL in my web browser directly. Maybe your 
terminal emulator has such a feature? Otherwise there's the traditional 
copy/paste provided the URLs is visible in the terminal.

Also, if w3m or lynx is better for some article you could maybe switch 
depending on where the article came from or something. That's getting 
pretty fiddly. There's also pandoc; you could use "pandoc -f html -t 
plain" and see what sort of rendering it does.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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