Cannot Receive Mail with Mutt / Debian Stable

D.J.J. Ring, Jr. n1ea at
Sun Dec 20 21:33:24 UTC 2020

For several months now, I haven't been able to receive mail with mutt.

When regrettably, I go into X Windows (MATE), I use webmail and see
that google has blocked an attempt to log in and proudly says that the
user (me) had my password.  I'm guessing since it always happens when
I make little changes in .muttrc to see if I can get mail with mutt,
that it's because of mutt.

There used to be sample files inside the tar.gz of mutt tha contained
sample dot muttrc files, I don't see them anymore.

It's not mutt's problem, it's mine somehow.

Best holiday wishes to all of you,

David Ring

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