Assigning multiple labels (X-Label) to a message

Luis Mochan mochan at
Wed Dec 16 19:57:42 UTC 2020

I use multiple space separated labels using only one X-label field to
locally to classify my emails. I limit them with ~y and made some
scripts to assign/edit them.


On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 03:42:07PM +0100, Marcus C. Gottwald wrote:
> Dear fellow Mutt users,
> I have incoming email messages which get multiple labels assigned
> by "procmail" piping through "formail -A", adding an "X-Label"
> header line for each label.
> Mutt fetches those email messages via IMAP and appears to be
> looking at only the last X-Label header line when (a) formatting
> the index using the "%y" selector in "index_format" and
> (b) limiting using the "~y" pattern. (I'm using Mutt from current
> Debian stable, i.e. version 1.10.1.)
> What's the recommended way to deal with multiple labels assigned
> to an email message? Can I make Mutt look at the values of all
> X-Label header lines? Should I change the procmail recipes to
> append (or prepend) additional labels to an existing X-Label
> header line instead of adding new lines? When using multiple
> labels in a single X-Label header line, are there any advantages
> in using a specific delimiter (space, comma, ...)?
> Cheers, Marcus
> --
>    Marcus C. Gottwald  ·  <mcg at>  ·


W. Luis Mochán,                      | tel:(52)(777)329-1734     /<(*)
Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM  | fax:(52)(777)317-5388     `>/   /\
Av. Universidad s/n CP 62210         |                           (*)/\/  \
Cuernavaca, Morelos, México          | mochan at   /\_/\__/
GPG: 791EB9EB, C949 3F81 6D9B 1191 9A16  C2DF 5F0A C52B 791E B9EB

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