is there no difference between \CN and \Cn for use in the sidebar?

Cameron Simpson cs at
Wed Nov 11 02:41:47 UTC 2020

On 11Nov2020 01:18, Globe Trotter via Mutt-users <mutt-users at> wrote:
>I have the following set up in my .muttrc:
># Move the highlight to the next mailbox
>bind index,pager \Cn sidebar-next
># Move the highlight to the next mailbox containing new, or flagged, mail.
>bind index,pager \CN sidebar-next-new
>So, when I use \Cn, I seem to end on to the next mailbox containing new or flagged mail and not the next mailbox. By, \Cn, I mean Ctrl+n (lower case n).
>Same when i use \CN.
>Is my specification incorrect?

Only in that there's no such thing as control-uppercase-N (as a distinct 
thing from control-lowercase-n).

Under a windowing system you can probably bind such a thing (see the "n" 
key down, observe both shift and control held down as modifiers) 
- that is a physical key combination.

However, in a terminal the control characters are those bytes with 
values 0-31.  When you type ctrl-n, that corresponds to ord('n') % 32, 
i.e. a value from 0-31. Regardless of "n" or "N". There's no indication 
to mutt of the physical keys being operated, just bytes coming down the 
"serial" line from the terminal.

So \Cn and \CN deliver the same byte value.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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