is it possible to go to the folders via the sidebar?

Cameron Simpson cs at
Thu Oct 29 08:41:11 UTC 2020

On 29Oct2020 05:38, Globe Trotter via Mutt-users <mutt-users at> wrote:
>On Thursday, October 29, 2020, 12:21:52 AM CDT, Cameron Simpson 
><cs at> wrote:
>>  Might I suggest you put this shell command in a distinct shell 
>>script so that your muttrc has this:
>    mailboxes `mutt-mailboxes`
>What are mutt-mailboxes? Is it a keyword?Or is this a shell-script?

That's the name of your shell script. Make yourself a ~/bin directory if 
you don't already have one, and put scripts in there. Add $HOME/bin to 
your $PATH and those scripts can just be used like any other command.  
Then the:

    mailboxes `mutt-mailboxes`

runs your script "mutt-mailboxes" like any other command, as it would 
have run your inline find command.

>> You can also improve the find:
>    find "$HOME/Maildir"/* -type d \( \( -name tmp -o -name new -o -name cur \) -prune \) -o -exec ismaildir {} ';' -print
>>so where does this go?

In the script.

>> Also, being a shell script makes it easier to clean up the paths too:
>    #!/bin/sh
>    cd "$HOME/Maildir"
>    find * -type d \( \( -name tmp -o -name new -o -name cur \) -prune \) -o -exec ismaildir {} ';' -print
>> No stripping, just cd to the top directory and print relative paths.
>> "ismaildir" is a script of my own:
>> but it is very simple - it just checks for directoriness and the presence if the 3 required subdirectories.
>Thanks for the ismaildir link!

That would also go in your personal $HOME/bin directory.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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