sort thread by last-mail received

Globe Trotter itsme_410 at
Sat Oct 24 16:26:27 UTC 2020

On Saturday, October 24, 2020, 11:07:41 AM CDT, Remco Rijnders <remco at> wrote: 

On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 03:09:06PM +0000, Globe wrote in 
<mailman.16040.1603552149.40933.mutt-users at>:
>Looking at:, it seems to me that I should simply
>set sort=threads
>set sort_aux=reverse-date-received
>However, what I get is the threads, correctly, but the ones with most recent messages do not come up first. I want the threads with most recent activity coming up first. Can this be done in mutt? (I do not want reverse_threads.)

> Try changing the sort_aux to:

> set sort_aux=last-reverse-date-received

> Does that what you want? Without "last" it looks at the date of the first message in the thread, with it, it uses the last one of all the messages.

Thanks! For me, and also from the manual, I don't find this method: 

Error in /home/gt/.muttrc, line 187: reverse-date-received: unknown sorting method

Perhaps, you meant: 

set sort_aux=reverse-last-date-received

which I tried as a guess, even though it does not seem to be in the manual but does not give an error and seems to work. Thanks!!

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