support for Office365?

Sam Kuper sampablokuper at
Sun Sep 27 15:00:26 UTC 2020

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 02:20:25PM -0400, Andrew D. Arenson wrote:
> My organization is moving to Office365 and have decided, sadly, not to
> support IMAP.
> Anyone have insight in how mutt might still be able to connect to
> Office365?
> A co-worker has been investigating a project called davmail, which
> provides a gateway that sort of translates from Office365's other
> protocols to IMAP, as they use a (non-mutt) IMAP mail client.

DavMail worked well last time I tried to use it against an Office365
server.  Great that it exists.  Pity that it should have to.

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