Auto saving attachment [was Re: Elimination of mime/html part]

Angel M Alganza ama at
Mon May 4 03:42:59 UTC 2020

Hi again,

On Fri, May 01, 2020 at 11:20:54AM +1000, raf wrote:

> I wrote a tool for replacing non-text attachments in email with text
> versions. It's at

As I said in my previous mail, textmail does a wonderful job reducing my
email list folders by eliminating all HTML from them.  But I also have
an archive Maildir folder with years of mail with attachments (PDF,
maybe some .DOC, too) that I'd like to have extracted from there as
independet files into an attachments directory before they get removed
or replaced with text, much like Eudora did (or does, I used it last on
1999).  Could textmail help with that part, too?  Or is there another
tool that you guys know of that could?

It'd be great if I could do the same for incoming mail.  At the moment,
I just download it with mbsync, read it with Mutt and manually save any
attachment I need/want to keep (files with forms I need to fill out or
print or sign, etc.) and then delete them from the mail to save space.
It'd be wonderfull if I could have the attached files saved into my
attachments folder and the either replaced by text or deleted by
textmail.  I'd love if it could be done via imapfilter directly to the
IMAP server (with the attached files being saved locally, of course),
but I could live if it needed to be done locally and then synced back to
the IMAP server.

Any idea on that, please?


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