Elimination of mime/html part

Angel M Alganza ama at ugr.es
Thu Apr 30 06:54:25 UTC 2020


I keep a few mailbox folders containing a large amount of multipart mail
with a text/plain part and a text/html part, which I would like to
eliminate in order to reduce the amount of disk space used (for a small
device and mainly the IMAP server I keep synced with).

I've been looking for ways to remove the text/html part with tools like
imapfilter or mbsync/isync that I use to manipulat, sort and
syncronised, but I haven't had any succeed.  I can eliminate it by hand
with Mutt, but that'd be really tedious, since I have thousands of mail.

Is there an automated way that you know of to get that done?  Or do you
know of any third party program that could help me out?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.


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