mutt IMAP configuration for

Sam Kuper sampablokuper at
Fri Mar 13 02:14:51 UTC 2020

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 02:32:13PM -0500, Greg Marks wrote:
> Dear Mr. Kuper,

Please don't address me as  "Mr", but anyhow...

>> I would suggest attempting the same workaround that you used for the
>> IMAP password.  I.e. escape the dollar sign in the smtp_pass field
>> with a backslash.
> But haven't I already done this via these two lines in my .muttrc
> file?
>    set imap_pass="$password_variable"
>    set smtp_pass="$password_variable"
> The encrypted file <password_file>.cpt read at the start of .muttrc
> contains one line, of the form:
>    set password_variable='abc\$def'

Yes, I think you are correct.

Sorry for not spotting earlier that both those two lines in your .muttrc
reference the same variable.


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