UI sluggish when imap_check_subscribed is set

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at 8t8.us
Wed Feb 19 17:20:19 UTC 2020

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 03:44:03AM +1100, Naveen Nathan wrote:
>Is this due to a short period of polling to check if 
>subscribed folders have new messages?

Yes, it's likely.  When using IMAP you may want to increase the value of 
$mail_check, which defaults to 5 seconds.

Also, if you aren't using the sidebar to display message counts, you may 
want to ensure $mail_check_stats is off.  If you need it turned on, 
check that $mail_check_stats_interval hasn't been set lower than the 
default of 60 seconds, and consider increasing it too.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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