Parsing URLs (was: Xterm/urxvt for mutt)

martin f krafft madduck at
Tue Nov 5 19:33:10 UTC 2019

Hey there,

Even with a good XTerm config, ncurses still gets in the way of long 
URLs, and the sidebar patch completely breaks them. I don't think 
this can be solved from the xterm, and requires either an external 
tool such as urlview/urlscan (which break the flow), or would need 
to be done within mutt, in similar ways to what plugins do for 

1. internal pager scans content for URLs, marks them up with unique 
    identifiers, e.g. `[1]` or similar;

2. mutt learns a command `view-url-by-id`, which prompts for a 
    number and spawns mailcap on the URL.

3. Additional or alternative commands could be:


    : Print a list of URLs from the current buffer, maybe with 
      navigation options like urlview


    : Highlight the first URL in view, skip to prev/next on up/down 
      arrow, and invoke mailcap when enter is pressed.

Probably not too hard. But yeah, would need to be done… ;)

@martinkrafft |
"one should never allow one's mind
  and one's foot to wander at the same time."
                               -- edward perkins (yes, the librarian)
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at
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