Confirm on new mailbox creation

Hokan hokan.hokan at
Wed Jul 3 18:52:17 UTC 2019

Hello Mutt users,

I'm getting a mailbox creation prompt that I don't want.

I have a couple of muttrc lines that help me auto-organize my sent and
deleted mail:

set record="+sent-mutt/`date +%Y/%Y-%m`-sent-mail"
set trash="+deleted-mutt/`date +%Y/%Y-%m`-deleted-mail"

These store my sent or deleted mail in time-stamped mailboxes based on
month and year.

When a new month comes and Mutt wants to save a message in a new
mailbox I get a prompt asking me to confirm I want the mailbox created,
like this:
    Create sent-mutt/2019/2019-07-sent-mail? ([yes]/no):

How can I suppress the mailbox creation prompt?

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