order of sending mail and saving to fcc

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sat Jun 15 23:37:06 UTC 2019

On 10Jun2019 11:56, Ben Boeckel <mathstuf at gmail.com> wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 08:40:30 -0700, Felix Finch wrote:
[...slightly extreme failure modes elided...]
>> For me, the difference is that having extra Fcc copies is nowhere 
>> near
>> as bad as not having any.
>If you're this paranoid, the only real fix is to have your editor save a
>backup somewhere before handing it off to mutt in the first place
>anyways. After all, mutt could segfault and lose it before the Fcc!

Hmm, that's already what I do.

As I've mentioned in the past my mutt compose mode actually fires off a 
distinct instance of my muttedit script, which uses mutt to compose and 
send in its own tmux session. With a distinctively named template file.

The innermost mutt invocation goes:

  rmafter "$filename" \
      mutt -e "set editor=$editor" -e 'unset signature' -H "$filename"

The rmafter script removes $filename after the subcommand finishes, but 
only if the subcommand succeeds. So a machine crash (or other lesser 
failure) leaves the filename around.

My boot stuff fires up individual tmux sessions with compose-and-send 
mutts in them for all of these distinctive files if they're lying 
around, providing a seamless resume mode post crash.

All this stuff is readily available in my code repo or for individual 
discussion here.

For interest, here's a section of my ps output for this very email 

  cameron 52210   890 2444652   752   \_ /bin/sh ~/bin/rmafter ~/tmp/muttedit.52169 mutt -e set editor=vim-flowed -e unset signature -H ~/tmp/muttedit.52169
  cameron 52214 52210 2491372  4344     \_ mutt -e set editor=vim-flowed -e unset signature -H ~/tmp/muttedit.52169
  cameron 52396 52214 2504796 10808       \_ vim -c silent 1,/^$/s/ *$// -c set filetype=mail -c set formatoptions=waqj ~/var/mutt/mutt-fleet-wk-wifi-501-52214-12499587601088287517
  cameron 52235   890 2449288   624   \_ tmux attach-session -t mutt-16jun2019-09_27-Re__order_of_sending_mail_and_saving_to_fcc

That's 4 lines commencing with "cameron", in case of folding.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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