Subscribing to Discourse emails (mailing-list mode)

Francesco Ariis fa-ml at
Fri Jun 14 06:05:50 UTC 2019

Hello mutters,
    I recently joined a Discourse server and chose "Mailing List
mode" [1] to receive one mail per post.

This is mutt-friendly but alas I cannot seem to find a way to
`subscribe` to Discourse like I would with a normal mailing list
(e.g. `subscribe discourse at`).
You will see the reason from this example message header:

    Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 14:44:51 +0000
    From: Tom Xyz via Haskell Community <discourse at>
    To: fa-ml at
    Subject: [Haskell Community] [Links] Announcing qfw

Are there any mutters who use Discourse? How did you solve/work around
this problem? It is a bit of a pain for me because I have hooks such:

    folder-hook fa-ml 'push <limit>!~l<enter>'

And as now they don't work on discourse messages.
Thanks in advance


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