Impossible to connect to mail server via pops3 using mutt 1.11

Stephan Beck besteck455 at
Sun Mar 24 11:59:35 UTC 2019

On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 08:29:44PM +0800, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 10:27:38AM +0100, felixs wrote:
> > 'getoauthbearersupport'  and 'no refresh command defined', not showing
> > any willingness to download my e-mais.
> Hi felixs,
> The OAUTH support was added in version 1.11.0.  Perhaps the POP
> implementation hasn't gotten enough testing.

Thanks, Kevin, for your kind answer. Actually, I downloaded the script and I will check if I can adapt it for using it with
pop as well (importing the pop libs), so I will do some testing,
at least with my gmail account. I'm not a real programmer, but I am in the 'training
> It looks like if $pop_authenticators is undefined (the default) then POP
> will try OAUTH first.  Whereas IMAP will try OAUTH last.  I think this was
> an oversight, and I will change POP to match IMAP.

#Well, I had set 
unset pop_auth_try_all
#and didn't have pop_authenticators set/set but #commented#.

> However, if $pop_auth_try_all is set (the default), then Mutt *should* try
> all the other mechanisms (sasl, apop, user).  Do you have $pop_auth_try_all
> set?
> You could also try setting $pop_authenticators to something like
> "apop:user".

Yes, thanks. Now I have
#unset pop_auth_try_all
set pop_autenticators="sasl:apop:user" 
and it worked (with "user") AFTER I disabled
Gmail's security settings "block less secure apps" i.e. mutt, in this
case. I don't remember having set that gmail setting before, but maybe it's the default.
I now have my emails on my machine, and that's where they belong! ;-)
Thanks for your patch, but I had to find out and correct it myself.
Including this version I will build all further mutt versions myself. 

I now will try to set up the oauth2 authentication. To get the
credentials mentioned in the OAUTHBEARER section of the mutt manual 
(gmail) you have to create a project and define a consent screen for users,
in order to get their consent to their data being used by the app, so that puzzled me.
Is that really my use case? I just want a client ID and secret to generate access
tokens/refresh tokens to be able to connect more securely to the mailserver using mutt. 
I guess I have to go for the XOAUTH SASL method. I'll let you know as
soon as I managed to get it all set up the way I like to have it.

Thanks and have a nice sunday


> -- 
> Kevin J. McCarthy
> GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

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