Impossible to connect to mail server via pops3 using mutt 1.11

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at
Sun Mar 24 01:52:29 UTC 2019

On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 08:29:44PM +0800, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
>On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 10:27:38AM +0100, felixs wrote:
>>'getoauthbearersupport'  and 'no refresh command defined', not showing
>>any willingness to download my e-mais.
>It looks like if $pop_authenticators is undefined (the default) then 
>POP will try OAUTH first.  Whereas IMAP will try OAUTH last.  I think 
>this was an oversight, and I will change POP to match IMAP.

If you are comfortable compiling from git, I've pushed a patch up to the
branch "kevin/stable-oauth-fix".  Instead of reordering, it just makes
OAUTH fail quietly if it wasn't explicitly configured.

I hope that addresses your problem, but please let me know the answers
to my previous email when you have a chance to be sure.

Thank you,

Kevin J. McCarthy
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