segfault causes system freeze

steve dlist at
Wed Nov 21 09:24:47 UTC 2018

Le 21-11-2018, à 08:53:53 +0100, Jörg Sommer a écrit :

>steve hat am Mi 21. Nov, 06:42 (+0100) geschrieben:
>> Le 20-11-2018, à 21:19:05 +0100, Jörg Sommer a écrit :
>> > > > Do you use systemd? Can you install the packages systemd-coredump and
>> > > > mutt-dbgsym? After a crash you can run `coredumpctl info -1` and post the
>> > >
>> > > There is no mutt-dbgsym in stretch, only jessie and sid. I installed
>> > > systemd-coredump. Will launch the command after next freeze.
>> >
>> > You have to add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list
>> >
>> > deb stable-debug main non-free contrib
>> Thanks, I didn't know about that repo. Installed now, waiting for the
>> next freeze. Can I run the command after a reboot?
>Yes. Coredumpctl should capture the crash dump and you can inspect it
>later, if it was successful. But maybe the crash causes the kernel can not
>even write the core dump out to disk.

Thank you for the explanations.


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