muttedit updates (was: Composing blocks checking for new)

Cameron Simpson cs at
Mon Nov 5 21:08:47 UTC 2018

On 04Nov2018 09:22, Kevin J. McCarthy <kevin at> wrote:
>On Sat, Nov 03, 2018 at 09:53:07AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>> My composition mode always opens the composition in a new tmux session (or
>> screen
>Thank you for the detailed write up.  I always enjoy reading these kinds
>of posts: nuggets of wisdom from long-time users.
>>  mutt -e 'set editor=vim-flowed' -e 'unset signature' -H "$filename"
>Instead of "-e 'unset signature'", you may want to try "-e 'set
>resume_draft_files'" which turns off even more undesired processing,
>like user-defined headers.

Thank you, I've applied this suggestion.

I've also updated muttedit to support 3 modes:

   inline:   just run the session directly
   window:   attach to the session in a separate window
   pane:     attach to the session in a separate tmux pane

and improved the usage message.

The default mode is window mode if $MUTTEDIT_WINDOWPROG is set, 
otherwise pane mode (-T) if $TMUX is set, otherwise inline.

And I've hacked my environment to always start mutt itself in a tmux 
session, so I'm defaulting to "pane" mode personally.

The environment variable $MUTTEDIT_EDITOR can specify the editor invoked 
by the submutt, default is still my "vim-flowed" command which invokes 
vim with format=flowed support.

The script requires the additional scripts:

   vim-flowed if not overridden, for the editing

   rmafter, for the temp file cleanup

   shqstr (or shqstr-sh), for command line string escaping

all available from the same place as muttedit:

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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