Mutt -> Compose -> Some kind of alert?

Timothy Rice timothy.rice at
Fri Oct 5 03:46:48 UTC 2018

Hi Alex,

> *When* you arrive at this point, when
> you leave the editor but before sending
> the msg (like shown on this pic:
>, is it
> possible to produce some kind of alert
> (like :echomsg command in Vim, for
> example) or to launch an external script
> dependent on the list of recipients?

I think what you are asking is, if the To: field matches a particular
pattern, then can the CC: field by populated automatically?

If you would be content to have all the CC: parties go into the To: field,
then this can be handled quite simply using aliases, like so:

alias Very Important Person 1 <vip1 at>,  \
    Very Important Other Person <vip2 at>,                 \
    Very Important Third Person <vip3 at>

Then when you send email to, the To: field will be
immediately populated with the three individual email addresses.

(This accepts recursive aliases, that is, each person can have their own
alias defined before the group alias.)

~ Tim

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