Hardware cursor and console colours resetting when starting mutt

David Woodfall dave at dawoodfall.net
Sun Sep 30 22:40:08 UTC 2018

On Sunday 30 September 2018 17:19,
Jon LaBadie <mutter at jgcomp.com> put forth the proposition:
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 10:26:31PM +0100, David Woodfall wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > In the (framebuffer) console I've used the standard escape codes to
> > set a small 1/3 block cursor to make it more visible, and softened
> > the colours to not be so stark.  They were a bit of a headache
> > before, and the normal cursor is very hard to see.
> >
> > Unfortunately, when I start mutt everything resets back to the
> > defaults.  I only see a couple of settings regarding the cursor, but
> > they don't seem to help.  I've tried running with a -F /dev/null so
> > it doesn't seem to be something in my config.  Is there any way of
> > avoiding this?
> >
> > In screen it's not so bad, but the cursor resets even just switching
> > to the window where mutt is running.  The colours remain as they were
> > though.
> >
> > The cursor code I use is:
> >
> > printf '\e[?3c'
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> Programs that use the ncurses library will run initializations
> defined in their terminfo entries.  According to "man terminfo"
> there are 6 or 7, like initialization_string_1 or _2 or _3.
> Check your terminfo entry (infocmp) and see if any are defined
> that would modify your desired settings.
> Jon
> --
> Jon H. LaBadie                 jon at jgcomp.com
>  11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
>  Reston, VA  20190              (703) 935-6720 (C)

Quite a few differences:

infocmp -i linux

rs1: {RIS}\E]R

infocmp -i screen.linux

is2: {ISO DEC G1}
rs2: {RIS}{DEC-1000}{DEC+25}
smcup: {DEC+1049}
rmcup: {DEC-1049}

infocmp -i screen

is2: {ISO DEC G1}
rs2: {RIS}
smcup: {DEC+1049}
rmcup: {DEC-1049}

infocmp -i xterm-color

smcup: {sc}{DEC+47}
rmcup: {ED2}{DEC-47}{rc}

Perhaps I could add terminfo entry in screenrc especially for mutt
that removes the init and reset strings. Not sure if it's possible on
an app-by-app basis though.

Thanks for the clue.


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