Check PGP sigs only when I need to

Ian Zimmerman itz at
Wed Sep 26 17:14:59 UTC 2018

Hello mutt lovers,

I still have not found a good way to check PGP signatures.  The root
problem is that many (probably more than half) signatures on mailing
list messages, including this one, are broken.  I have given up on
addressing that root problem, but I would still like to check signatures
on private messages on occasion.  I know about the variable
crypt_verify_sig, but it's not a real solution in itself (ie. when set
to ask-no) because I still waste time responding to the prompt.  I could
set it in a folder hook to yes or no depending on the folder, but I am
also trying to avoid folder hooks as much as possible, with their
complexity and opacity [1].

The ideal solution I dream about is a specific command/keystroke to
check the signature of a message, when already viewing that message.
Strange as it is this natural command doesn't seem to exist - or am I
wrong about this?  And if I'm right would it make sense to add such a

How many people really know the exact rules by which the pattern in a
folder hook matches?

Please don't Cc: me privately on mailing lists and Usenet,
if you also post the followup to the list or newsgroup.
To reply privately _only_ on Usenet and on broken lists
which rewrite From, fetch the TXT record for

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