limit in folder hook?

Alexander Dahl post at
Wed Aug 22 14:20:12 UTC 2018

Hei hei,

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 03:40:15PM +0200, Francesco Ariis wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 03:36:54PM +0200, Alexander Dahl wrote:
> >   folder-hook .                   push "<limit>.<enter>"
> >   folder-hook =Lists/buildroot    'push "<limit>!=s \"git commit\"<enter>"'
> Can't test now, but first one looks not correct, it should be
>     folder-hook . 'push <limit>.<enter>'
>     # quoting is before `push`
> Does this work?

I think so, at least it brought me on the right track. What I got now
is this line only (with my own mailserver of course):

    folder-hook imaps:// 'push "<limit>!=s \"git commit\"<enter>"'

First thing I got wrong was the regex for the folder, apparently I
need something like the above. Second thing was the quoting. The above
seems to work like I want it to. Third thing: no "reset" is necessary,
when changing folders/mailboxes with the key c the limit is reset by
mutt anyway.

Thanks and Greets

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